- (pathology) a small abnormal patch on or inside the body
- brass: a memorial made of brass
- There are many conditions of or affecting the human integumentary system—the organ system that comprises the entire surface of the body and includes skin, hair, nails, and related muscle and glands.
- A commemorative plaque, or simply plaque, is a plate of metal, ceramic, stone, wood, or other material, typically attached to a wall, stone, or other vertical surface, and bearing text in memory of an important figure or event.
- Any flat, thin piece of metal, clay, ivory, or the like, used for ornament, or for painting pictures upon, as a slab, plate, dish, or the like, hung upon a wall; also, a smaller decoration worn on the person, as a brooch; An accumulation of biofilm, or bacteria on teeth; Atheroma, an ...
- (Plaques) patchy areas of inflammation and demyelination typical of MS, plaques disrupt or block nerve signals that would normally pass through the regions affected by the plaques.
- (Plaques) Patches of red, rough skin covered with silvery scales that is caused by psoriasis.
- (PLAQUES) These are plastic betting tokens of very high value that are common in many European countries. In England they tend to be used whenever high betting punters are in operation or when the cash desk is short of chips.
- (Plaques) All sport champion plaques are given out at the year end Awards Banquet. Plaques are awarded to the winning team for each tier of each sport.
- (Plaques) Collections of amyloid protein in the brain’s gray matter that are characteristic of and may play a role in Alzheimer’s disease
- (Plaques) Fibrous and fat tissues that end up as deposits in the arteries. This can lead to a stroke and even heart disease.
- (Plaques) Local buildup of amyloid-B in the brain of AD patients, damaging nerve cells and destroying connections between them.
- (Plaques) Mounds of lipid material (mostly cholesterol) with some macrophages (a type of white blood cell) covered with fibrous connective tissue and embedded in artery walls. With time, the plaques may harden as the fibrous coat thickens and calcium is deposited in the plaque.
- (Plaques) The accumulation of protein that may build up in brain tissue as a result of infection.
- (plaques (brass)) A small metal plate mounted on a frame, usually showing the artist’s name and name of the artwork.
- (plaques) Small, round areas composed of remnants of lost neurons and beta-amyloid, a waxy protein deposit; present in the brains of patients with Alzheimer’s disease.
- A film of bacteria that forms on the teeth and gums after eating foods that produce acids. If plaque is not removed, it hardens to form calculus or tarter, which can only be removed professionally.
- The lesion that occurs in the "white matter" of the brain due to demyelination.
- An area of inflamed or demyelinated central nervous system tissue.
- A type of award (wall plaque) given to swimmers at a meet.
- A film of sticky material containing saliva, food particles, and bacteria that attaches to the tooth surface both above and below the gum line. When left on the tooth it can promote gum disease and tooth decay.
- A bacteria-containing substance that collects on the surface of teeth. Plaque can cause decay and gum irritation when it is not removed by daily brushing and flossing.
- A sticky film on the teeth. If it is not removed by brushing it can harden into calculus.
- A soft sticky substance that accumulates on teeth composed largely of bacteria.
- composed of cholesterol build up and smooth muscle cells