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plait 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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plaits, plural;
  1. Form (hair or other material) into a plait or plaits

  2. Make (something) by forming material into a plait or plaits

  1. A single length of hair or other flexible material made up of three or more interlaced strands; a braid

  1. braid: a hairdo formed by braiding or twisting the hair
  2. braid: make by braiding or interlacing; "lace a tablecloth"
  3. weave into plaits; "plait hair"
  4. pleat: any of various types of fold formed by doubling fabric back upon itself and then pressing or stitching into shape
  5. A plait is an anatomical feature which is present the shells of some snails, or gastropods. This sculpture occurs often in the shells of marine gastropod mollusks in the clade Neogastropoda, but it is also found in some pulmonate land snails.
  6. (Plaited) A braid (also called plait) is a complex structure or pattern formed by intertwining three or more strands of flexible material such as textile fibres, wire, or human hair. ...
  7. A flat fold; a doubling, as of cloth; a pleat; as, a box plait; A braid, as of hair or straw; a plat; To fold; to double in narrow folds; to pleat; as, to plait a ruffle; To interweave the strands or locks of; to braid; to plat; as, to plait hair; to plait rope
  8. (Plaited) braided; generally refers to 8 strand large diameter rope in either a square or round braided construction.
  9. (Plaited) (pronounced "platted"): braided.  Also, a less severe "splatted".
  10. (PLAITING) [1 Pet 3: 3] folding, doubling, braiding.
  11. (Plaiting) Walking or trotting crossing the front legs.
  12. (Plaiting) action when the terrier's feet cross over each other; it is considered a registration fault (more).
  13. (plaiting) braiding three or four stands of fiber to make a long strand for weaving or stitching.
  14. (plaits) an individual group of reinforcing braid wires/strands.
  15. (Plaits) Bread is often made more special by dividing up the dough, making each piece into a rope, and plaiting the pieces together. This is the standard shape for some loaves, notably the challah. ...
  16. (Plaits) This is where hair has been woven together like skinny ropes. It is also referred to as braids. The hair is divided into at least three strands to be plaited, unlike twists which require two strands.
  17. Pronounced "plat" not "plate". The term whip makers use for braiding. It means the same thing. It is also the term used to describe the number of lace ie; 4 plait, 8 plait, 12 plait, 16 plait etc.
  18. when talking about Braids in braiding one’s hair
  19. braid, pigtail of hair.