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pirouette 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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pirouettes, plural;
  1. Perform a pirouette

  1. An act of spinning on one foot, typically with the raised foot touching the knee of the supporting leg

  2. A movement performed in advanced dressage and classical riding, in which the horse makes a circle by pivoting on a hind leg while cantering

  1. (ballet) a rapid spin of the body (especially on the toes as in ballet)
  2. do a pirouette, usually as part of a dance
  3. Ballet is a formalized type of dance; ballet dance is usually performed on stage as part of a ballet dance work which includes mime, acting, and is set to music. Dancers can perform either en pointe or demi-pointe; in ballet class, the dancers work either at the barre or in centre floor.
  4. A "Pirouette" is a French word for the Ballet reference, " to whirl about."
  5. A whirling or turning on the toes in dancing, primarily in ballet; The whirling about of a horse; To perform a pirouette; to whirl on the toes, like a dancer
  6. (Pirouettes) Changing direction or moving in a circular motion by twisting in the handstand position.
  7. (pirouettes) an act of spinning on one foot, typically with the raised foot touching the knee of the supporting leg.  "My heart was doing pirouettes in my chest" (162).
  8. A turn in standing position on one leg to a different direction.
  9. is a single turn of the body while on one foot.
  10. Just like the music boxes you grew up with as a kid with the tiny ballerina inside twirling again and again, a pirouette is when a dancer turns from a standing position on one leg, while the other leg is bent at the knee so that foot is grazing the planted leg.
  11. (French) A full rotation of the body in the vertical axle. Double pirouette: two rotations, etc.
  12. Rodeo or freestyle move in which a boat executes an "ender" (puts one end in a hydraulic while staying vertical) and spins 180 degrees or more.
  13. n. ``handling'' characteristic of rear-engined vehicles. See moment
  14. A pirouette is when the boater turns during an ender, with the boat as the axis.
  15. Dressage movement in which the forelegs of the horse describe a small circle, while the hind legs remain in place, one of them acting as a pivot.
  16. A more advanced freestyle move. During an ender, the boat spins on its nose. Looks pretty cool.
  17. This is a full turn on the horse's haunches. This turn is done at either a walk or canter. The turn results in the horse turning in a full-circle, with the radius of the circle equal to the length of the horse. ...
  18. [peer-WET] Whirl or spin. A complete turn of the body on one foot, on point or demi-pointe. Pirouettes are performed en dedans, turning inward toward the supporting leg, or en dehors, turning outward in the direction of the raised leg. ...
  19. When the hindlegs stay in almost the same spot and the forehand move around them, either in a collected walk or a high degree of collection in canter. The pirouette can be performed in a quarter-turn, half-turn (demi-pirouette), or whole circle. (Illustration by Howard Adair)
  20. While popping vertical in a kayak during an "ender," the paddler reaches a paddle blade to the water, then effects a vertical boat-and-paddler spin with it.
  21. Helicopter yaws continuously around the main shaft.
  22. Longitudinal rotation of the body, as a dance element on one foot or as a strength element in handstand on the floor.
  23. ["spin"]. A complete turn on one leg. The dancer usually goes round more than once. The raised leg is most commonly held in rétiré, but pirouettes with the leg in other positions are not uncommon. ...
  24. A turn or sequence of turns on one foot, either on half-toe, or on pointe.
  25. (peer-whet) To turn.