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pip 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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pips, plural;
  1. Defeat by a small margin or at the last moment
    • - you were just pipped for the prize
  2. Hit or wound (someone) with a gunshot

  1. A disease of poultry or other birds causing thick mucus in the throat and white scale on the tongue

  1. a disease of poultry
  2. shoot: kill by firing a missile
  3. a minor nonspecific ailment
  4. shoot: hit with a missile from a weapon
  5. a small hard seed found in some fruits
  6. worst: defeat thoroughly; "He mopped up the floor with his opponents"
  7. Picture in Picture (PiP) is a feature of some television receivers and similar devices. One program (channel) is displayed on the full TV screen at the same time as one or more other programs are displayed in inset windows. Sound is usually from the main program only.
  8. The following are characters from the PlayStation game Chrono Cross.
  9. Pips are small but easily countable items. It is used to describe the dots on dominoes, dice, denote suits, and is the name for the small seeds of some fruits. It could be used as a synonym for dot in most situations, for example morse code. ...
  10. In finance, a percentage in point (pip) is the smallest commonly quoted change of an exchange rate of a currency pair.
  11. Prolactin-inducible protein is a protein that in humans is encoded by the PIP gene.
  12. In geometry, the pentagonal prism is a prism with a pentagonal base. It is a type of heptahedron.
  13. Any of various respiratory diseases in birds, especially infectious coryza. [from the 15th c.]; Of humans, a disease, malaise or depression; To get the better of; to defeat; To hit with a gunshot
  14. ("pipped") In episode 4 of series 1, The Hunger Strike, Bertie notes that Aunt Dahlia looks pipped. This is slang for angry or upset.
  15. (Pipping) The process of the young bird chipping out of the egg shell during hatching.
  16. (Pipping) When a hatchling uses its carbuncle to break open the egg shell.
  17. (Pips) The spots on the face of a tile. See "suit".
  18. (Pips) The smallest unit of price for any foreign currency. Digits added to or subtracted from the fourth decimal place, i.e. 0.0001. Also called Points.
  19. (Pips (points)) The smallest unit of price for any foreign currency, also referred to as points.
  20. ((Pips)) A type of racket covering. A sheet of rubber on top of a layer of sponge. The pimples (pips) point outwards, so the playing surface is pimpled. Depending on the length and hardness of the pimples, unusual types of spin can be imparted.
  21. (PIPS) Percentage in point that is equivalent to a one hundredth of one percent.
  22. (PIPS) Performance Indicators in Primary Schools
  23. (PIPS) Police Infringement Processing System (New Zealand Police business application)
  24. (Pips (Basis points)) Refers to the last decimal place of a quotation.
  25. (Pips (pip)) this is the minimum price change parameter.