- a very brief moment; "they were strangers sharing a pinpoint of time together"
- locate exactly; "can you pinpoint the position of the enemy?"; "The chemists could not nail the identity of the chromosome"
- speck: a very small spot; "the plane was just a speck in the sky"
- the sharp point of a pin
- The point of a pin; To identify or locate precisely or with great accuracy; Extremely precise or specific, especially regarding location
- (Pinpointing) Finding the exact target location with respect to a searchcoil's designated center. Accomplished by interpreting the centers of audio response width in perpendicular directions or scans. See also Detuning.
- pinpointing refers to the act of determining the precise location of a target. This can be accomplished by manually "detuning" a metal detector, or adjusting it to be less sensitive, and then sweeping the target response area again. ...
- Pinpoints are very small inclusions, difficult to see at 10x magnification.
- (Pinpoints) Inclusions appearing as very tiny white or black dots when viewed under 10X magnification, which when clustered can form a Cloud.
- (Pinpoints) One of the most common of inclusions, a pinpoint is a clear or white spot that occurs within the diamond during its formation.These are tiny crystalline growths. Return to Top »
- fine, very tightly woven oxford cloth with a soft, silky feel and remarkable durability
- An inclusion within a diamond. A gathering of pinpoints is called a "cluster" or "cloud." A cloud or cluster can appear as a hazy area in the diamond, a pinpoint appears as a dot.
- A reference to a specific paragraph or page number within a judgement
- This is a stitch of two over and one under. It is very durable, but not as soft as other weaves.
- A very small white dot on the surface of the stone. By far, the most common flaw that can be found on a diamond.
- Is smaller than a fleabite, like the point of a pin. Most dealers consider this mint.
- is the method of accurately determining the locating of a target prior to digging. Pinpointing uses the design of the search coil windings to determine the exact position of the detected target. Some detectors are equipped with a dedicated pinpoint mode, which aids in accurate recovery.
- Classic description of the peculiarly tiny bubbles that flow in a lasting fountain from the bottom of your glass when very fine Champagne is poured.
- A mode of operation that allows the hunter to determine the precise location of a target.
- HP-Convex's X Window System-based online documentation system
- (1) Any small rounded inclusion seen at 10x but not large
- The player must pass a silver rod through a series of rings that are gradually getting smaller and touch the diamond on a box at the end. The rod must not touch any of the rings in order to succeed. Using the Simplify brought the second ring 20 centimetres closer. ...