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pincer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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pincers, plural;
  1. A tool made of two pieces of metal bearing blunt concave jaws that are arranged like the blades of scissors, used for gripping and pulling things

  2. A front claw of a lobster, crab, or similar crustacean

  1. a hand tool for holding consisting of a compound lever for grasping
  2. claw: a grasping structure on the limb of a crustacean or other arthropods
  3. Pincer may refer to: *Pincer (tool) *Pincer, part of an animal *Pincer ligand, a terdentate, often planar molecule that tightly binds a variety of metal ions.
  4. A pincer is the part of an arthropod that enables it to carry loads, for defense from other creatures, or to attack prey. In insects, the pincers are usually part of the creature's mandible, and often venom or acid can be injected through the pincer into an enemy during a pincer strike.
  5. A pincer is a hand tool used in many situations where a mechanical advantage is required to pinch, cut or pull an object. Pincers are first-class levers, but differ from pliers in that the concentration of force is either to a point, or to an edge perpendicular to the length of the tool. ...
  6. any object that resembles one half of a pair of pincers
  7. (pincers) A gripping tool, pivoted like a pair of scissors, but with blunt jaws; The front claws of crustaceans such as lobsters
  8. (pincers) A tool used for pinching the threading or other ornamentation on an object for decorative effect.
  9. (Pincers) A joined tool with a pair of jaws and handles used to grip an object.
  10. (Pincers) A simple iron tool used in lasting, for hammering tacks and pulling them out.  After the Middle Ages, Pincers become increasingly more specialized into Pincers and Nippers (See also Nippers):
  11. (Pincers) A tool used by the farrier to remove old shoes.
  12. (Pincers) To dream of feeling pincers on your flesh, denotes that you will be burdened with exasperating cares. Any dream of pincers, signifies unfortunate incidents.
  13. (Pincers) a plyer-like tool used for inserting pinched decorations on handles, rims, etc.
  14. (Pincers) holds a place in books, tho rarely heard in pronunciation. This word is a remarkable proof of the inveteracy of custom, even when obviously wrong; for tho the verb pinch is formed immediately from the French pincer, yet the noun used in conversation is pinchers, the correct and regular ...
  15. (pincers) a tool similar to pliers, with jaws for pulling nails or hooks.
  16. articulated, grasping claw; jaws working together in opposition like a pair of pliers
  17. a simultaneous attack on both sides of an opposing force, with the aim of turning or dividing the enemy for a defeat in detail, a DOUBLE ENVELOPMENT or double FLANK engagement; also known as "pincers", "pincer movement", or "pincers movement". Compare BLOCKING FORCE. ...
  18. A tactic designed to maneuver an enemy into a defensive position by simultaneous attack from both sides of bogey.
  19. Essentially a large nail puller and cutter, a pincer is designed for removing brads and small nails. Can pull nails like a claw hammer.
  20. A claw on an animal, such as a crayfish.