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pigeonhole 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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pigeonholes, plural;
  1. Deposit (a document) into a pigeonhole
    • - he pigeonholed his charts and notes
  2. Assign to a particular category or class, esp. in a manner that is too rigid or exclusive
    • - a tendency to pigeonhole him as a photographer and neglect his work in sculpture and painting
  3. Put aside for future consideration
    • - she pigeonholed her worry about him
  1. A small recess for a domestic pigeon to nest in

  2. A small compartment, open at the front and forming part of a set, where letters or messages may be left for someone

  3. A similar compartment built into a desk for keeping documents in

  4. A category to which someone or something is assigned
    • - people identified me with a homely farmer's wife and I was never allowed to escape from that pigeonhole

  1. place into a small compartment
  2. a specific (often simplistic) category
  3. treat or classify according to a mental stereotype; "I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European"
  4. (pigeonholing) grouping: a system for classifying things into groups
  5. Pigeonholing is a term used to describe processes that attempt to classify disparate entities into a small number of categories (usually, mutually exclusive ones).
  6. One of an array of compartments for sorting post, messages etc. at an office, or college (for example); A hole, or roosting place for pigeons; To categorize; especially to limit or be limited to a particular category, role, etc
  7. (pigeonholing) the classification of disparate entities into categories, not always for the right reason
  8. (Pigeonholing) An attempt to subsume something into a frame-of-reference that is too small to incorporate the thing. "You call me a name so you don't have to see me - you just see the name that you call me."
  9. Deo Landicho on Fotopedia