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pickaxe 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. pick: a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is pointed on both ends; "they used picks and sledges to break the rocks"
  2. A pickaxe (pickax) is a hand tool with a hard head attached perpendicular to the handle.
  3. Programming Ruby is a book about the Ruby programming language by Dave Thomas and Andrew Hunt, authors of The Pragmatic Programmer. In the Ruby community, it is commonly known as "The Pickaxe" because of the pickaxe on the cover. The book has helped Ruby to spread outside Japan.
  4. To dream of a pickaxe, denotes a relentless enemy is working to overthrow you socially. A broken one, implies disaster to all your interests.
  5. The pickaxe is also used to dig through walls. It makes a smaller impact on the wall than the hammer, causing fewer tiles to be dug up at a time. This causes the wall to stay strong for longer before collapsing. ...
  6. The term pickaxe refers to an option to the diffcore routines that help select changes that add or delete a given text string. With the --pickaxe-all option, it can be used to view the full changeset that introduced or removed, say, a particular line of text. See git-diff(1).