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philtre 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. philter: a drink credited with magical power; can make the one who takes it love the one who gave it
  2. Philtre is a now-discontinued Alesis desktop effects device that can do the following: Select either low pass, high pass, band pass, low pass alias, or any combination as filter types. Five different modulation waveforms can be selected, each of which can be beat-synchronized. ...
  3. Alternative spelling of philter
  4. (philtres) magical drafts supposed to excite sexual love
  5. philter – a love potion (some sources also say verb: to enchant with or as if with a philtre.)
  6. A potion made to produce a magickal effect. Generally referring to a love potion.
  7. A potion, especially for love.