- doctrine: a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school
- the rational investigation of questions about existence and knowledge and ethics
- any personal belief about how to live or how to deal with a situation; "self-indulgence was his only philosophy"; "my father's philosophy of child-rearing was to let mother do it"
- (philosopher) a specialist in philosophy
- (philosopher) a wise person who is calm and rational; someone who lives a life of reason with equanimity
- Philosophy is a album by the British dance music group Coldcut released on 1993
- "Philosophy" is a song from Ben Folds Five's 1995 self-titled debut album. It was written by Ben Folds. Folds continues to play the song on various tours as part of his solo career.
- Philosophy is the scholarly journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy. It is published by Cambridge University Press and edited by Anthony O'Hear.
- (The Philosopher (Haydn)) Symphony No. 22 in E-flat major, Hoboken I/22, is a symphony written by Joseph Haydn in 1764. Nicknamed "The Philosopher" ("Der Philosoph"), it is the most widely programmed of Haydn's early symphonies.
- (The Philosophers) The following is a list of recurring fictional characters that appeared throughout the Metal Gear series in more than one canonical installment. ...
- (originally) The love of wisdom; An academic discipline that seeks truth through reasoning rather than empiricism; A comprehensive system of belief; A view or outlook regarding fundamental principles underlying some domain; A general principle (usually moral); A broader branch of (non- ...
- (10. Philosopher) A fool who torments himself during life, to be spoken of when dead.
- (Philosopher (n)) Someone with one single opinion which covers every possible topic
- (Philosopher) n. [Gk. philos, love, sophia, wisdom] A man who loves wisdom and truth. The philosopher pursues these matters with all of his mind, striving to be united to truth, to know her most intimately and completely, and, like a jealous husband, does his best to prevent others from doing ...
- (The philosopher) A medieval term for Aristotle.
- (philosopher) A person who seeks wisdom and enlightenment through study and reasoning.
- (Philosophers) Akshapada Gotama | Patanjali | Yajnavalkya | Kanada | Kapila | Jaimini | Vyasa | Nagarjuna | Madhvacharya | Kumarajiva | Padmasambhava | Vasubandhu | Adi Shankara | Ramanuja | More...
- (Philosophers) Anaxagoras · Anaximander · Anaximenes · Antisthenes · Archimedes · Aristotle · Democritus · Diogenes of Sinope · Epicurus · Empedocles · Heraclitus · Leucippus · Gorgias · Parmenides · Plato · Protagoras · Pythagoras · Socrates · Thales · Zeno
- (Philosophers) Henry Steel Olcott · Nalin de Silva
- (Philosophical) "Just that much time to think while dressing at dawn, a philosophyical hour..."(56) Definition:When something is very calm.
- A general view or a set of beliefs or attitudes, usually based on reason (See also Ideology)
- The study of seeking knowledge and wisdom in understanding the nature of the universe, man, ethics, art, love, purpose, etc.
- A list of real estate euphemisms and what they really mean.
- Study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, existence, and morality.
- "The objects of philosophy . . . are upon the whole the same as those of religion. In both the object is Truth, in that supreme sense in which God and God only is Truth." Logic § 1.