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peruse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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peruses, 3rd person singular present; perusing, present participle; perused, past tense; perused, past participle;
  1. Read thoroughly or carefully
    • - the pursed lips of an auditor perusing an unsatisfactory set of accounts
  2. Examine carefully or at length
    • - Laura perused a Caravaggio

  1. examine or consider with attention and in detail; "Please peruse this report at your leisure"
  2. (perusing) perusal: reading carefully with intent to remember
  3. This is a list of auto-antonyms in English -- that is, words which in and of themselves have two or more generally accepted meanings in the English language that directly or generally contradict each other. ...
  4. An examination or perusal; an instance of perusing; To examine or consider with care; To read completely; To look over casually; to skim; To go from place to place; to wander
  5. (perusable) Capable of being perused
  6. to read thoroughly [but often misused to mean "to glance over; to skim"]
  7. (v) - to examine carefully
  8. to, v. t. parhna ; vekhna ; wachna ;