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percolate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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percolated, past participle; percolated, past tense; percolating, present participle; percolates, 3rd person singular present;
  1. (of a liquid or gas) Filter gradually through a porous surface or substance
    • - the water percolating through the soil may leach out minerals
  2. (of information or an idea or feeling) Spread gradually through an area or group of people
    • - this issue has percolated into the public consciousness
  3. (of coffee) Be prepared in a percolator
    • - he put some coffee on to percolate
  4. Prepare (coffee) in a percolator
    • - freshly percolated coffee
  5. Be or become full of lively activity or excitement
    • - the night was percolating with an expectant energy

  1. the product of percolation
  2. leach: permeate or penetrate gradually; "the fertilizer leached into the ground"
  3. spread gradually; "Light percolated into our house in the morning"
  4. cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable substance in order to extract a soluble constituent
  5. pass through; "Water permeates sand easily"
  6. perk up: gain or regain energy; "I picked up after a nap"
  7. PeRColate is an open source set of extensions to Max/MSP, developed by Dan Trueman at Princeton University and R. Luke DuBois at the Computer Music Center, Columbia University. ...
  8. A liquid that has been percolated; To pass a liquid through a porous substance; to filter; To drain or seep through a porous substance; To make (coffee) in a percolator; (figuratively) To spread slowly or gradually; to slowly become noticed or realised
  9. (Percolating) Sound a pig makes that is in "investigative mode" general sound while out on the floor.
  10. (Percolation) any method of brewing where the hot water is pumped up and gravity falls through the grind.
  11. (PERCOLATION) The flow of sub-surface water through land. A measure of percolation shows how much water the land can absorb.
  12. (Percolation) Staple fiber migration though cover material.
  13. (PERCOLATION) Mathematical theory of spread on cellular landscapes.
  14. (Percolation) A process to extract the soluble constituents of a plant with the assistance of gravity. The material is moistened and evenly packed into a tall, slightly conical vessel; the liquid (menstruum) is then poured onto the material and allowed to steep for a certain length of time. ...
  15. (Percolation) Ability of soil to absorb water; used for septic systems.
  16. (Percolation) An operation by which a feature which is attached to one category comes to be attached to another category higher up in the structure. See §6.7.
  17. (Percolation) Found in many a church basement, percolators brew coffee through a combination of drip and sort-of-pressurized extraction. ...
  18. (Percolation) Occurs when fibres "leak" through their containing fabric. Migration can be controlled by using more tightly woven lower air porosity fabrics that do not allow fibres to pass through; or by using a finer denier filling fibres. This is also known as fibre migration.
  19. (Percolation) Process where surface waters are absorbed through the soil into ground water.
  20. (Percolation) Technically, any method of coffee brewing in which hot water percolates, or filters down through, a bed of ground coffee. The pumping percolator utilizes the power of boiling water to force water up a tube and over a bed of ground coffee.
  21. (Percolation) the ability for water to move down into the soil or rock.
  22. (percolation (purr - koh - LAY - shun)) the act of water working its way into the ground
  23. (percolation) The process by which groundwater meanders through tiny, crooked channels in the surrounding material.
  24. when water passes through the grains of soil
  25. The passage of bubble-like entities through small spaces.