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perambulate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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perambulating, present participle; perambulated, past tense; perambulates, 3rd person singular present; perambulated, past participle;
  1. Walk or travel through or around (a place or area), esp. for pleasure and in a leisurely way
    • - she perambulated the square
  2. Walk from place to place; walk about
    • - he grew weary of perambulating over rough countryside in bad weather
  3. Walk around (a parish, forest, etc.) in order to officially assert and record its boundaries

  1. make an official inspection on foot of (the bounds of a property); "Selectmen are required by law to perambulate the bounds every five years"
  2. walk with no particular goal; "we were walking around in the garden"; "after breakfast, she walked about in the park"
  3. (perambulating) strolling or walking around; "perambulating nursemaids with their charges"
  4. (perambulation) a walk around a territory (a parish or manor or forest etc.) in order to officially assert and record its boundaries
  5. (perambulation) amble: a leisurely walk (usually in some public place)
  6. To walk about, roam or stroll; To inspect (an area) on foot
  7. (Perambulation) Beating the bounds: the district within which a person had the right of inspection - the established boundaries being usually walked round annually.
  8. (Perambulation) Delimitation of the Forest by metes and bounds. Undertaken by walking/riding but sometimes by consultation, enquiry and perusal of documents. ...
  9. (Perambulation) Lord’s term for walking on outfield. Praised (by Lord’s, admittedly) as a way of making cricket more accessible. One simply cannot understand how people can view cricket as stuffy and old fashioned when perambulation is permitted during the lunch interval.
  10. (Perambulation) a description of the boundaries of a manor, often recording the boundaries as 'beaten' or perambulated by members of the manor court.  More and Example
  11. Although often used as a synonym for "saunter," to perambulate is simply to ambulate in a circle. What's the point of that? See: AMBULATE.
  12. to walk or travel from place to place