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pasture 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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pastures, plural;
  1. Put (animals) in a pasture to graze
    • - they pastured their cows in the water meadow
  2. (of animals) Graze
    • - the livestock pastured and the crops grew
  1. Land covered with grass and other low plants suitable for grazing animals, esp. cattle or sheep

  2. The grass and herbage growing on such land
    • - do not let your pasture grow too fast so that the plants become rank
  3. A place or activity regarded as offering new opportunities
    • - he has departed for the greener pastures of a corner office

  1. a field covered with grass or herbage and suitable for grazing by livestock
  2. crop: let feed in a field or pasture or meadow
  3. eatage: bulky food like grass or hay for browsing or grazing horses or cattle
  4. Pasture is land with vegetation cover used for grazing of livestock as part of a farm, or in ranching or other unenclosed pastoral systems or used by wild animals for grazing or browsing. ...
  5. The word mireh is literally a "feeding place" and is derived from the verbal root ra’ah ^[str:7462] meaning "to feed." The participle form of this verb is ro’eh meaning "one who feeds" or "shepherd."
  6. Land used for livestock grazing that is managed to provide feed value and maintain or improve soil, water, and vegetative resources.
  7. (animal science) A fenced area of forage, usually improved, on which animals are grazed.
  8. Grassland used for grazing of mainly domestic herbivores.
  9. Land on which the foliage is grazed by animal stock, and on which agricultural practices are performed on an annual or more frequent basis. Any fence encompassing a pasture is included as part of the pasture. ...
  10. Land that is covered in different types of grass or legumes. On a dairy farm, pastures are used for grazing dairy cows.
  11. Land or paddock with grass or other vegetative cover specifically used to feed grazing animal.
  12. (i) A type of grazing management unit enclosed and separated from other areas by fencing or other barriers and devoted to the production of forage for harvest primarily by grazing (see also Grazing management unit; Paddock; Pastureland; (ii) See Forage).
  13. (1) Plants consumed by animals during grazing. (2) Land so used.
  14. Pasture, grassland, or range. Has continuous forage for grazing
  15. A grassland which is used as a graze for domestic animals.
  16. Land on which animals feed directly on feed crops.
  17. A larger, fenced area used for turnout, usually grazing.