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parboil 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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parboils, 3rd person singular present; parboiled, past participle; parboiling, present participle; parboiled, past tense;
  1. Partly cook (food) by boiling

  1. blanch: cook (vegetables) briefly; "Parboil the beans before freezing them"
  2. Parboiling (or leaching) is the partial boiling of food in order to later finish cooking it.
  3. (Parboiled (Java)) parboiled is an open-source Java library released under an Apache License. It provides support for defining PEG parsers directly in Java source code.
  4. To boil food briefly so that it is partly cooked
  5. (Parboiling) partially cooking a food in boiling or simmering liquid, similar to blanching but the cooking time is longer
  6. (PARBOILING) The process of boiling food briefly in water.
  7. To partially cook in boiling water.
  8. To boil a food briefly, until partially done. A food might be parboiled before adding it to faster-cooking ingredients to insure all ingredients are evenly cooked.
  9. To boil in water until partially cooked. The cooking is usually completed by another method.
  10. To boil until partially cooked; to blanch. Usually this procedure is followed by final cooking in a seasoned sauce.
  11. To pre-cook vegetables partially and tenderize them before applying another method to cook them completely, such as sautéing. See Blanch, which is often used interchangeably.
  12. To pre-cook or partly cook in liquid, usually water.
  13. partly boil. To partly cook something before processing further
  14. to cook partially in a simmering or boiling liquid for a short period of time
  15. to cook food, especially vegetables, until they are soft on the outside but still raw in the middle. Used for potatoes before roasting.
  16. similar to blanching, parboil involves a longer period of cooking where your meat is partially boiled or simmered in fluid.
  17. Parboil is an action which refers to partially boiling food in water before finishing cooking it by another method. When something has been parboiled it has been partially cooked; that is, subjected to boiling for a brief period of time. ...
  18. Parboiling is similar to boiling, except the food is removed from the liquid before it's fully cooked. It's then finished off using another technique such as sautéing.
  19. Cooking foods to about a fifty percent doneness before transferring immediately to a second phase of cooking to complete the process.
  20. Boiling in water to tenderize just a bit, usually vegetables.  Cabbage is parboiled to separate whole leaves in preparation for making stuffed cabbage.
  21. To cook in a skillet kept dry by pouring off accumulated fat. Usually, fattier meats are parboiled.
  22. This means to slightly cook vegetables by boiling prior to placing them in the oven.  It allows the centre of the vegetables or meats to be cooked and the outside to become crispy.
  23. To cook food in boiling or simmering water. See also: Blanche.
  24. To briefly boil an ingredient to start the cooking process. Usually done so it can be added to something else later on and become fully cooked.
  25. To boil briefly as a preliminary or imcomplete cooking precedure