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paginate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. foliate: number the pages of a book or manuscript
  2. (pagination) the system of numbering pages
  3. Pagination is the system by which the information on a newspaper, bookpage, manuscript, or otherwise handwritten, printed or displayed document is laid out.
  4. (Pagination (web)) Pagination is the process of dividing web content and displaying it on separate pages. ...
  5. (paginated) Whose pages have been numbered
  6. (pagination) the act of creating pages for a document, book, etc., or determining when to truncate text on the pages; the act of numbering pages for a document, book, etc
  7. (pagination) The process of arranging the pages of a publication in proper sequence.
  8. (pagination) in typesetting or pasteup, the process of breaking copy into pages of a specific dimension.
  9. (Pagination) In computerized typesetting, the process of performing page makeup automatically.
  10. (Pagination) An interface element that allows users to navigate through a series of search result pages.
  11. (Pagination) Assembly of type with other line copy into page format. When done by hand, this is makeup or pasteup; when done electronically, it is computer aided pagination (CAP).
  12. (Pagination) Controls the two PaginationButtons, re-dispatching their CLICK events and managing when they are enabled and disabled.
  13. (Pagination) The order of pages suiting a print machine in a brochure, book, etc. which determines the final order of pages.
  14. (Pagination) The process of defining where page breaks will occur. Involves setting page length, size or number of lines and, where required, the setting of page numbering.
  15. (Pagination) The start and end pages are given, separated by a hyphen e.g. 20-25.
  16. (pagination) Chopping up long lists of data into smaller, more digestible chunks. In Rails 2.0, pagination moved out from the core framework into plug-ins, most notably will_paginate.
  17. (pagination) Method of navigating between Articles.
  18. (pagination) The figures by which the leaves of a book, manuscript, or the like are marked to indicate their sequence; see contents, headword. Also, to subdivide an electronic document into pages for printing. ...
  19. (pagination) Useful to explain for CSS print profile/media type et al.
  20. (pagination) the assembly of printed matter into a page format.
  21. Pagination in papyri is infrequent and when it does occur it is often the work of an editor, perhaps a librarian. Consistent pagination began to occur in codices in the early third century. Many great codices of the fourth century have no pagination. ...
  22. Designing or laying out a page on a computer screen.