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padlock 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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padlocks, plural;
  1. Secure with such a lock
    • - a padlocked door
  1. A detachable lock hanging by a pivoted hook on the object fastened

  1. a detachable lock; has a hinged shackle that can be passed through the staple of a hasp or the links in a chain and then snapped shut
  2. fasten with a padlock
  3. a lock, usually with a panel with numbered dials that must be rotated in a specific fashion in order to unlock; to lock using a padlock
  4. (Padlocked) To have a bogey firmly in your sights.
  5. (Padlocked) Informative call indicating aircrew hqs "tally" and cannot take eyes off an aircraft/ground target without risk of losing tally/visual.
  6. (Padlocked) Brevity code that means "I have a bogie/bandit in sight and must maneuver immediately to maintain contact." All other aircraft must give way to a fighter that calls "padlocked."
  7. (Padlocks) Take 3. One (a good one, with at least 2 keys) for your door, and two small combination locks for your backpack. Aluminium locks are nice and light for your door, but not quite as tough as steel. ...
  8. (Padlocks) To stuff smoked slamon. - Joseph Leff
  9. (Padlocks) are novelty jewellery pieces designed in the shape of standard industrial padlocks.
  10. A detachable and portable lock with a shackle which locks into its case. Could be either in Key or Combination form.
  11. When using the internet, a browser padlock is a graphical representation of a website digital certificate. ...
  12. The PADlock is a second secret required in conjunction with the EID password for certain services that legally require a higher level of security.
  13. Looking just like a traditional padlock (but without a key), this fastening clicks into place and is commonly used on gate bracelets.
  14. An open padlock shows an open state of mind while a closed one indicates laziness. A broken one indicates a solution to a current problem at work will present itself.