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owe 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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owed, past participle; owes, 3rd person singular present; owing, present participle; owed, past tense;
  1. Have an obligation to pay or repay (something, esp. money) in return for something received
    • - they have denied they owe money to the company
    • - I owe you 25 cents
  2. Owe something, esp. money, to (someone)
    • - I owe you for the taxi
  3. Be under a moral obligation to give someone (gratitude, respect, etc.)
    • - I owe it to him to explain what's happened
    • - I owe you an apology
  4. Have something because of (someone or something)
    • - he owed his success not to chance but to insight
  5. Be indebted to someone or something for (something)
    • - I owe my life to you

  1. be obliged to pay or repay
  2. be indebted to, in an abstract or intellectual sense; "This new theory owes much to Einstein's Relativity Theory"
  3. be in debt; "She owes me $200"; "I still owe for the car"; "The thesis owes much to his adviser"
  4. Owe is a surname or given name, a spelling variation of Ove, and may refer to: * Baard Owe (born 1936), Norwegian-born actor * Owe Hellberg (born 1953), Swedish Left Party politician * Owe Jonsson (1940-1962), Swedish athlete * Owe Wiktorin (born 1940), Swedish General
  5. To be under an obligation to give something back to someone or to perform some action for someone; To have debt, to be in debt
  6. (owed) That owes
  7. To be in debt to somebody; to owe money to somebody
  8. pron/ /Chn/ 1 I, me (used by men only). 2 yes (used by men in affirmative answers).    ,
  9. is a surname or given name, and may refer to: