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overuse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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overused, past participle; overuses, 3rd person singular present; overusing, present participle; overused, past tense;
  1. Use too much
    • - young children sometimes overuse “and” in their writing
  1. Excessive use
    • - overuse of natural resources

  1. make use of too often or too extensively
  2. overexploitation: exploitation to the point of diminishing returns
  3. Overused is the debut album by British band South, first released in 2000. It was released on James Lavelle's Mo Wax label.
  4. excessive use; To use too much
  5. (overused) used too much, or too often; hackneyed or clichéd
  6. Overuse describes a process of care in circumstances where the potential for harm exceeds the potential for benefit. Prescribing an antibiotic for a viral infection like a cold, for which antibiotics are ineffective, constitutes overuse. ...
  7. repetitive stress on a bone or bones can result in stress fractures. These are common among athletes and workers who frequently perform intense physical labor.
  8. using more than necessary; wasteful