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overplay 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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overplaied, past tense; overplays, 3rd person singular present; overplaied, past participle; overplaying, present participle; overplayed, past tense; overplayed, past participle;
  1. Give undue importance to; overemphasize
    • - he thinks the idea of a special relationship between sitter and artist is much overplayed
  2. Exaggerate the performance of (a dramatic role)
    • - the uncontrollable urge of ham actors to overplay their parts
  3. Play very aggressively

  1. overact: exaggerate one's acting
  2. and (transitive) To overdo or overact one's effect or role; To present something in a manner more dramatic than necessary; To overestimate one's strength in a game or event, which ultimately may end in a defeat; To accidentally hit (one's golf ball) beyond "the green"
  3. (Overplaying) Striking a cymbal too hard or with to heavy a tool. Most common cause for damaged cymbals, especially cracked ones
  4. (Overplaying) overestimating the strength of the hand, that leads to needless bets.
  5. Make an unnecessarily big play.
  6. An advantage for the bettor in which the price on a given wager is greater than the real probability of its success.
  7. To focus on one side of an opponent being guarded, usually the player's strongest side, in order to force a move to or a shot from the other side.
  8. A player commits too early and is caught out of position by an opponent's move.^[2]
  9. When the odds on a proposition are in favor of the bettor rather than the house
  10. A greedy move that is hoping for too much.
  11. strategy to guard an opposing player's best side, so the weaker side plays the shot.