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overlie 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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overlain, past participle; overlay, past tense; overlies, 3rd person singular present; overlying, present participle;
  1. Lie on top of
    • - soft clays overlie the basalt
    • - the national situation was overlain by sharp regional differences

  1. lie upon; lie on top of; "the granite overlies the older rocks"
  2. kill by lying on; "The sow overlay her piglets"
  3. (overlying) placed on or over something else; "an overlying image"
  4. Mary Overlie is the discoverer of The Six Viewpoints, a theoretical deconstruction and reconstruction for post-modern theatre. She has had a long career as a performer, choreographer, teacher and theater collaborator, working extensively in both the United States and Europe. ...
  5. To lie over or upon; To suffocate by lying upon; as, to overlie an infant