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overgrow 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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overgrows, 3rd person singular present; overgrown, past participle; overgrowing, present participle; overgrew, past tense;
  1. Grow or spread over (something), esp. so as to choke or stifle it
    • - the mussels overgrow and smother whatever is underneath

  1. grow too large
  2. become overgrown; "The patio overgrew with ivy"
  3. (overgrown) covered with growing plants
  4. (overgrown) abounding in usually unwanted vegetation
  5. Heaven's Stairway was an Eastern Canadian cannabis seedbank, supplying around 300 different cannabis strains. ...
  6. To grow beyond one's boundaries or containments; To grow over; (of one thing) to cause (a second thing) to become overgrown (with or by the first thing)
  7. (overgrown) Having large numbers of plants which have become too big, and are hence spoiling the picturesqueness of a garden; Something which has grown bigger but has not changed its character
  8. Blaze • Torrent • Swarm