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overfill 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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overfills, 3rd person singular present; overfilling, present participle; overfilled, past tense; overfilled, past participle;
  1. Put more into (a container) than it either should or can contain

  1. fill beyond capacity; "overfill the baskets"
  2. In telecommunications, overfill is the condition that prevails when the numerical aperture or the beam diameter of an optical source, such as a laser, light-emitting diode, or optical fiber, exceeds that of the driven element, e.g. an optical fiber core. ...
  3. (Overfills) In wax injection this occurs when an excessive amount of wax is forced into the mold cavity and the result is finning or flashing.
  4. Similar to overkill, many welders think the more the weld deposited, the better the weld. Overfill is a waste of time and material, and can weaken the steel by placing too much heat on the joint. (Opposite of this is UNDERFILL)
  5. By overfilling implants, but not beyond the manufacturer's guidelines, the implants will be less likely to ripple. However, with the more fill, they become more firm. Studies have shown overfilled implants are less likely to rupture.