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overextend 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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overextended, past participle; overextends, 3rd person singular present; overextending, present participle; overextended, past tense;
  1. Make too long
    • - at nine minutes plus the song is somewhat overextended
  2. Impose on (someone) an excessive burden of work or commitments
    • - he should not overextend himself on the mortgage

  1. overstrain: strain excessively; "He overextended himself when he accepted the additional assignment"
  2. To expand or extend to an excessive degree, especially to do so beyond a safe limit
  3. (overextension) The state or quality of being overextended
  4. (Overextended) A position where a player has moved a piece or group of pieces (usually pawns) away from the rest in such a way that they are too difficult to defend.
  5. (Overextended) A position that is weak due to an unsuccessful attack or combination.
  6. (Overextension) When a player rushes to get his Pawns out into the thick of the action, without developing a solid defensive structure and, at the same time, leaving channels open to attack from the enemy, he is said to have Overextended.
  7. (Overextension) When space is gained too fast. By rushing his Pawns forward and trying to control a lot of territory, a player can leave weaknesses in his camp or can weaken the advanced Pawns themselves. He is then said to have overextended his position.
  8. (overextension) The use, by a young child, of a single word to cover many different things.