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overdo 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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overdoes, 3rd person singular present; overdos, 3rd person singular present; overdoing, present participle; overdid, past tense; overdone, past participle;
  1. Carry to excess; exaggerate
    • - dramatic yet never overdone
  2. Use too much of (something)
    • - I'd overdone the garlic in the curry
  3. Exhaust oneself by overwork or overexertion
    • - I'd simply overdone it in the gym
  4. Overcook (food)

  1. do something to an excessive degree; "He overdid it last night when he did 100 pushups"
  2. (Overdoes) Supererogation (Late Lat. supererogatio, payment beyond what is due or asked, from super, beyond, erogare, to pay out, expend, ex, out, rogare, to ask) is the performance of more than is asked for, the action of doing more than duty requires. ...
  3. (Overdoing) Shakalabbits is a Japanese ska punk band. Their members are Uki (vocals), King (bass), Take-C (guitar) and Mah (drums).
  4. To do too much of something
  5. (Overdoes) Refers to a dosage that is too strong.