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outwork 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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outworks, plural;
  1. Work harder, faster, or longer than
    • - Irwin simply outworks his opponent
  1. A section of a fortification or system of defense that is in front of the main part

  2. Work done outside the factory or office that provides it

  1. subsidiary defensive structure lying outside the main fortified area; "the outworks of the castle"
  2. An outwork is a minor defense, fortification, built or established outside the principal fortification limits, detached or semidetached. ...
  3. (Outworkers) People who perform mailing operations – inserting items into envelopes, applying labels etc. at home in their own time. MCM Direct does not use home workers.
  4. Work done at the place of a worker's choosing, usually at home, in return for money. It is normally carried out without direct supervision by the employer or contractor. Outworkers traditionally are not independent, the do home-based work because of family responsibilities or lack of skills.
  5. a work inside the glacis but outside the body of the place.
  6. an earthwork or other defensive structure established outside the limits of a larger fortification; see REDOUBT, BARBICAN, EMPLACEMENT, BAILEY, DEFILADE, ZIGZAG, STOCKADE, PERIMETER. [v: Military Earthworks Terms]
  7. defensive work located beyond the glacis, but close enough to receive protection from the main fortification.
  8. Any detached or advanced work forming part of the defence of a place.
  9. A fortified position located outside or in advance of a main fortifacation.