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outface 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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outfaced, past participle; outfaces, 3rd person singular present; outfacing, present participle; outfaced, past tense;
  1. Disconcert or defeat (an opponent) by bold confrontation
    • - to outface twenty-five or thirty antagonistic men

  1. stare down: overcome or cause to waver or submit by (or as if by) staring; "He simply stared down his opponent"
  2. Outface was an punk rock/hardcore band formed in the Cleveland, Ohio area in the late 1980s, fronted by future Sepultura singer Derrick Green . The band also featured bassist Frank Cavanagh of Filter and guitarist Charlie Garriga of CIV, who was self-taught. Mark Konopka was the drummer . ...