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outdo 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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outdoing, present participle; outdone, past participle; outdoes, 3rd person singular present; outdid, past tense;
  1. Be more successful than
    • - the men tried to outdo each other in their generosity
    • - not to be outdone, Vicky and Laura reached the same standard

  1. surpass: be or do something to a greater degree; "her performance surpasses that of any other student I know"; "She outdoes all other athletes"; "This exceeds all my expectations"; "This car outperforms all others in its class"
  2. get the better of; "the goal was to best the competition"
  3. To excel; go beyond in performance; surpass
  4. We are the professional treadmill factory and bike fitness products since build in 1997.As a factory ,we are sauce,Outdo believe we can give you the best and competitive price with good quanlity treamill for you.