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outbox 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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outboxed, past tense; outboxed, past participle; outboxes, 3rd person singular present; outboxing, present participle;
  1. Defeat (an opponent) by superior boxing ability

  1. Electronic mail, commonly called email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages across the Internet or other computer networks. Originally, email was transmitted directly from one user to another computer. ...
  2. A box holding all the mail to be sent out; An electronic folder serving the same purpose, for electronic mail; To box better than
  3. A folder where you store mail before it about to be sent.
  4. This is where pending messages waiting to be sent are located.
  5. this is where all of your completed outgoing mail (the mail you send to others) resides before you actually send it.
  6. This is where all of the messages that you send are kept. It can also be called a "Sent" folder.
  7. A Messaging folder that holds e-mail messages and text messages before they are sent.
  8. Temporary storage for outgoing emails so that they can be composed off-line for sending later.
  9. folder where composed messages are kept