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otherwise 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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In circumstances different from those present or considered,
  1. In a different state or situation
    • - if it were otherwise, we would be unable to acquire knowledge
  1. In circumstances different from those present or considered
    • - the collection brings visitors who might not come to the college otherwise
  2. Or else
    • - I'm not motivated by money, otherwise I would have quit
  3. In other respects; apart from that
    • - an otherwise totally black cat with a single white whisker
  4. In a different way
    • - he means mischief—it's no good pretending otherwise
    • - pretending that they are otherwise engaged
  5. As an alternative
    • - pre-Renaissance mathematician Leonardo Pisano, otherwise known as Fibonacci

  1. in other respects or ways; "he is otherwise normal"; "the funds are not otherwise available"; "an otherwise hopeless situation"
  2. other than as supposed or expected; "the outcome was otherwise"
  3. differently: in another and different manner; "very soon you will know differently"; "she thought otherwise"; "there is no way out other than the fire escape";
  4. The additions and deviations of NLM 94, stated in these conditions of sale, delivery and payment are valid in preference to NLM 94. Otherwise, NLM shall be valid.
  5. başha türlü, başhaça