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ornament 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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ornaments, plural;
  1. Adorn; beautify
    • - the men and women in the Stone Age ornamented their caves
  1. A thing used to adorn something but usually having no practical purpose, esp. a small object such as a figurine

  2. A quality or person adding grace, beauty, or honor to something
    • - the design would be a great ornament to the metropolis
  3. Decoration added to embellish something, esp. a building
    • - it served more for ornament than for protection
  4. Embellishments and decorations, such as trills or grace notes, added to a melody

  5. The accessories of worship, such as the altar, chalice, and sacred vessels

  1. decoration: something used to beautify
  2. decorate: make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"
  3. be an ornament to; "stars ornamented the Christmas tree"
  4. In architecture and decorative art, ornament is a decoration used to embellish parts of a building or object. ...
  5. In music, ornaments are musical flourishes that are not necessary to carry the overall line of the melody (or harmony), but serve instead to decorate or "ornament" that line. Many ornaments are performed as "fast notes" around a central note. ...
  6. (Ornamented) Decorated with warts, ridges, wrinkles, or a netlike pattern; used in reference to spore surface.
  7. (Ornamented) A typeface that is embellished ornamented or decorated. Generally not used for setting text or body copy.
  8. (ornamenting) the act of supportively embellishing any one or combination of the perceived location, amplitude or timbral characteristics of a GESTURE.
  9. (Ornaments) Useful designation for all those infrequently used, highly decorative wall and ceiling motifs, such as garlands, leaves, scrolls, shells, shields, sunburst, and wreath embellishments. Ball ornaments include urns, acorns, pineapples, etc.
  10. (Ornaments) Also called embellishments, these are notes considered to be an extra embellishment of a melody which are either added spontaneously by the performer or indicated by the composer on the score by signs or notation.
  11. (Ornaments) a special size of lighthouse with an eye and gold cord for hanging. Typically, ornaments are 2" high. In 1996, Harbour Lights introduced 8 lighthouses and in 1997 and 1998, 4 more each year. In 1997, four of the original 1996 ornaments were retired. ...
  12. (Ornaments) amir taj on Fotopedia
  13. (Ornaments) such as phalerae and sallongs.
  14. If you wear ornaments in dreams, you will have a flattering honor conferred upon you. If you receive them, you will be fortunate in undertakings. Giving them away, denotes recklessness and lavish extravagance. Losing an ornament, brings the loss either of a lover, or a good situation.
  15. architectural or painterly decoration, as opposed to structural elements: urns, statuary, and friezes might ornament a building, while dress and jewelry might ornament a figure in a portrait.
  16. An object or feature intended to beautify the appearance of that to which it is added or of which it is a part, as embellishment, decoration, adornment, filigree, tracery, including borders, panels, tool lines, midlines, crests, cameos, cartouches, cornerpieces, corner motifs, rules, separators, ...
  17. fæt; frætwe (pl); hyrst, f
  18. A decoration which, at Christmas, is hung on a Christmas tree.
  19. The (usually) plastic coating at the tips of sneaker laces that makes it easier to pass the laces through the eyelets. Also called an aglet or a tag.
  20. a belt buckle, dress clasp, or decorative beads, feathers, or other material used to embellish a garment.
  21. 1. (n.) Any type of grace notes or other effects used to add interest to a melody. In some cases, the ornamentation defines the tune as belonging to a specific style - see Scots snap. Also called "decoration". 2. (v.) To add ornamentation to a melody.
  22. Additional decorative accessory made in wood or metal (not door hardware) which adds a unique grace and beauty, a manner of very special quality that adorns.
  23. An ornament is a non-structural type of decoration such as a frieze on an entablature.
  24. A short, extra note added to a melody line to make it more interesting.
  25. notes added to embellish or decorate a musical work, like a trill.