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Collins Definition
Web Definitions:
- organizational: of or relating to an organization; "organizational structure"
- An organization (or organisation -- see spelling differences) is a social arrangement which pursues collective goals, controls its own performance, and has a boundary separating it from its environment. ...
- of, relating to, or produced by an organisation
- (527 Organisations) Named after a section of the US Tax code, 527 organisations are political campaign groups officially unaffiliated to individual parties or candidates, and therefore not subject to campaign spending restrictions.
- (Organisations) Spirou (magazine) • Dargaud
- (Organisations) Stock exchange | Futures exchange
- (Organisations) businesses, local authorities, charities etc
- Organisations hold content and tools which is school or unit specific but not module specific.
- The Organisational Domain consists of 36 indicators across five organisational areas - records and information; information for patients; education and training; practice management and medicines management.