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okay 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. O.K.: an endorsement; "they gave us the O.K. to go ahead"
  2. all right: being satisfactory or in satisfactory condition; "an all-right movie"; "the passengers were shaken up but are all right"; "is everything all right?"; "everything's fine"; "things are okay"; "dinner and the movies had been fine"; "another minute I'd have been fine"
  3. approve: give sanction to; "I approve of his educational policies"
  4. in a satisfactory or adequate manner; "she'll do okay on her own"; "held up all right under pressure"; (`alright' is a nonstandard variant of `all right')
  5. a-ok(p): in perfect condition or order
  6. Okay (also spelled OK, O.K.) is a colloquial English word denoting approval, assent, or acknowledgment. "Okay" has frequently turned up as a loanword in many other languages. ...
  7. Okay is an indie-pop band from Fremont, California and is the side project of Dilute's Marty Anderson, who is the only fully permanent member of the band.
  8. Okay (falsely spelled O.K.) is a pop group from Frankfurt, Germany.
  9. "Okay" is the first single by American singer Nivea from her second studio album Complicated. It features Lil Jon and YoungBloodZ.
  10. An A-OK (a okay) is both a saying, derived from okay, and a hand-gesture done by connecting the thumb and forefinger in to a circle (the O), and holding the other fingers straight or relaxed in the air.
  11. Entirely okay; thoroughly acceptable
  12. (okayness) The state or condition of being okay; adequateness, tolerableness
  13. interj bone, en ordo
  14. [WOH-HKAYYEHHHHH!!!!?]