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oink 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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oinks, plural;
  1. Make such a sound

  1. The characteristic grunting sound of a pig

  1. grunt: the short low gruff noise of the kind made by hogs
  2. squeal: utter a high-pitched cry, characteristic of pigs
  3. Oink's Pink Palace (frequently written as OiNK) was a prominent BitTorrent tracker which operated from 2004 to 2007. ...
  4. Oink is a 1995 short film directed by Rand Ravich, who later directed The Astronaut's Wife. Oink premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 1995.
  5. The O-Force is a superhuman mutant team in the Marvel Comics Universe. Their first appearance was in X-Statix #1 and was created by Peter Millligan and Michael Allred.
  6. Pillow Pals were a line of plush toys made by Ty, Inc. during the 1990s. The toys were given their name because they were soft like pillow, and were made with children in mind. ...
  7. This is a list of animal sounds, sounds made by animals. First verbs used to label animal sounds are listed, followed by figures of speech that imitate those sounds. Please note that these lists are only valid for the English language, as different languages use different animal sounds.
  8. Oink! was a British comic for children which was published from 3 May 1986-22 October 1988. It set out to be deliberately anarchic, reminiscent of Viz but for children.
  9. Beagle Bag is a collection of computer games for the Apple II family of computers published in 1982 by Beagle Bros Software. In common with their other titles, the Beagle Bag software was released in unlocked and unprotected form, and is now in the public domain.
  10. Oink! is a video game produced and published by Activision and released in 1982 for the Atari 2600 video game system. Designed by David Lorenzen, Oink! is inspired by the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs" and casts the player as a pig defending his home from a wolf bent on destroying it.
  11. The sound made by a pig, or an imitation thereof; Of a pig or in imitation thereof, to make its characteristic sound; Representing the sound made by a pig; Drawing attention to male chauvinism (from the term male chauvinist pig)
  12. An evildoer with an ax to grind with Master BESERK.  He is not above hiring BACONMEN to do his dirty work. [First mention:   page 77]
  13. One income, no kids - a demographic grouping.