- beginning: the time at which something is supposed to begin; "they got an early start"; "she knew from the get-go that he was the man for her"
- compensate for or counterbalance; "offset deposits and withdrawals"
- counterbalance: a compensating equivalent
- cancel: make up for; "His skills offset his opponent's superior strength"
- cause (printed matter) to transfer or smear onto another surface
- stolon: a horizontal branch from the base of plant that produces new plants from buds at its tips
- In computer science, an offset within an array or other data structure object is an integer indicating the distance (displacement) from the beginning of the object up until a given element or point, presumably within the same object. ...
- Offset is a 2006 film Drama directed and written by Didi Danquart. It was filmed in Bucharest.
- Gears have a wide range of unique terminology known as gear nomenclature. Many of the terms defined cite the same reference work.
- The offset of a vehicle's wheel is the distance between the centerline of the wheel and the plane of the hub-mounting surface of the wheel. It can thus be either positive or negative, and is typically measured in millimeters. ...
- Offsets are layers of plants in the plant nursery business. They are clones of the mother plants (e.g."hens and chicks"), meaning that they have the same genetics.
- (Offsetting) A carbon offset is a reduction in emissions of carbon or greenhouse gases made in in order to compensate for or to offset an emission made elsewhere.
- (Offsets) Greenhouse gas reduction activities undertaken to compensate for emissions elsewhere.
- (OFFSETS) Measurements supplied by a designer for the builder in order to lay down the lines of the hull. Glen-L patterns eliminate the need for a table of offsets.
- (Offsets) A concept whereby emissions from proposed new or modified stationary sources are balanced by reductions from existing sources to stabilize total emissions. (See: bubble, emissions trading, netting)
- (Offsets) A vertical change in direction, normally of between 30 and 45 degrees.
- (Offsets) Credits issued in return for a reduction of atmospheric carbon emissions through projects such as the provision of renewable energy to replace fossil fuel energy, or reforesting cleared land to create a carbon sink. ...
- (Offsets) Full size numerical measurements, lifted from the lines drawing, from which vessels' members are shaped. Frequently referred to as: 'Table of Offsets'.
- (Offsets) Ledge-like flaws that form on a resin kit along the line where the two halves of the mold met but were seriously misaligned. See also: Breaklines.
- (Offsets) One Offset is an emissions reduction that a pollution source has achieved in excess of permitted levels and or required reductions. The excess amount is the credit and can be sold on the market.
- (Offsets) Series of cones -- similary to a Slalom, but not set in a straight line -- that you must weave through. The spacing between cones may vary. (See also Slalom)
- (Offsets) Small jumps, or tares, in a signal due to either instrumental effects or rapid changes due to real external variations (of gravity). Amplitudes varies from about 100 ngal to 100 µgal (e.g. power supply problems near a station)
- Offsets designate the emission reductions from project-based activities that can be used to meet compliance – or corporate citizenship – objectives vis-àvis greenhouse gas mitigation.
- (Offsetting) the process of reducing carbon emissions by ‘offsetting’ it. An example is by taking a flight and in compensation paying a company to plant trees to equal the carbon use out.
- (Offsetting) Reducing or “canceling out” one’s carbon footprint by removing as much carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as one puts into it. This is often accomplished by planting trees.