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offprint 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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offprints, plural;
  1. A printed copy of an article that originally appeared as part of a larger publication

  1. a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication
  2. A reproduction of a single article from a journal or similar publication
  3. Offprints are copies of articles that are bound separately in individual covers. All offprints are perfect bound. They are prepared after the regular issue has been mailed, and sent to the address(es) you specify. Offprints that are printed at the same time as the issue are the least expensive.
  4. (Offprints) Reprint of a published article or chapter made from the original type or plates but issued separately.
  5. (Offprints) Usually a copy of a relevant chapter of a book that many students may want to look at. These are all kept behind the counter and may not be removed from the library
  6. a run-on or reprint of an article first published in a magazine or journal.
  7. A separate printing of a section of a larger publication; i.e., a periodical.
  8. A paper copy of a peer-reviewed, published article. Usually printed off by the publisher and given to or purchased by the author for distribution. Sometimes referes to the Inter-Library Loan or Copyright Clearance Centre photocopies of the published draft.