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offload 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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offloads, 3rd person singular present; offloaded, past participle; offloading, present participle; offloaded, past tense;
  1. Unload (a cargo)
    • - men were offloading bags of salt
  2. Rid oneself of (something) by selling or passing it on to someone else
    • - a dealer offloaded 5,000 of these shares on a client
  3. Relieve oneself of (a problem or worry) by talking to someone else
    • - it would be nice to have been able to offload your worries onto someone
  4. Move (data or a task) from one processor to another in order to free the first processor for other tasks
    • - a system designed to offload the text on to a host computer

  1. transfer to a peripheral device, of computer data
  2. unload: take the load off (a container or vehicle); "unload the truck"; "offload the van"
  3. The act of passing the ball to a team mate when tackled; to unload; to get rid of things, work, or problems by passing them on to someone or something else
  4. (Offloading) passing the ball out of the tackle.
  5. (OFF-LOADING) Shifting weight from sensitive or injured parts of the feet using orthotics, specialized shoes or casts. This may be necessary in people with diabetes to prevent the development of a foot ulcer or to help a foot ulcer heal.
  6. (offloading) In WebSphere MQ for z/OS, an automatic process whereby a queue manager's active log is transferred to its archive log.
  7. To assume part of the processing demand from another device.
  8. The state of a transformer which is energised but not supplying load, that is the HV or LV circuit-breaker is open.
  9. Shifting telecommunications traffic from one network to another to relieve network congestion.
  10. To move a production or logistics requirement from the primary to an alternate resource due to capacity or timing constraints. Cost reporting systems segregate the variances caused by resource offloading (a substitution variance) vs. ...
  11. The process of unloading cargo and luggage from an aircraft.
  12. Discharge of cargo from a ship.