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obtrude 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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obtruded, past participle; obtrudes, 3rd person singular present; obtruding, present participle; obtruded, past tense;
  1. Become noticeable in an unwelcome or intrusive way
    • - a sound from the reception hall obtruded into his thoughts
  2. Impose or force (something) on someone in such a way
    • - I felt unable to obtrude my private sorrow upon anyone

  1. push out: push to thrust outward
  2. intrude: thrust oneself in as if by force; "The colors don't intrude on the viewer"
  3. To proffer (something) by force; to impose (something) on someone or into some area. [from 16th c.]; To become apparent in an unwelcome way, to be forcibly imposed; to jut in, to intrude (on or into). [from 16th c.]; To impose (oneself) on others; to cut in. [from 17th c.]
  4. (of a thought or a person) to thrust itself (or himself), unwelcome, upon a person's company or attention.