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nuisance 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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nuisances, plural;
  1. A person, thing, or circumstance causing inconvenience or annoyance
    • - an unreasonable landlord could become a nuisance
    • - I hope you're not going to make a nuisance of yourself
  2. An unlawful interference with the use and enjoyment of a person's land

  1. (law) a broad legal concept including anything that disturbs the reasonable use of your property or endangers life and health or is offensive
  2. pain: a bothersome annoying person; "that kid is a terrible pain"
  3. Nuisance (also spelled nocence, through Fr. noisance, nuisance, from Lat. nocere, "to hurt") is a common law tort. It means that which causes offence, annoyance, trouble or injury. A nuisance can be either public (also "common") or private. A public nuisance was defined by English scholar Sir J. ...
  4. The Nuisance is a 1921 silent comedy film featuring Oliver Hardy.
  5. A minor annoyance or inconvenience; A person or thing causing annoyance or inconvenience; Anything harmful or offensive to the community or to a member of it, for which a legal remedy exists
  6. Conduct or activity which results in an actual physical interference with another person's reasonable use or enjoyment of his property for any lawful purpose.
  7. A use of property that interferes with the quiet enjoyment by others of their properties. An abatement action can be taken to stop (abate) the nuisance.
  8. Something that interferes with the use of property by being irritating, offensive, obstructive or dangerous. Nuisances include a wide range of conditions, everything from a chemical plant's noxious odors to a neighbor's dog barking. ...
  9. In law, this refers to a class of wrong that arises out of unreasonable, unwarranted or unlawful use by a person of his own property, whether that property be real or personal or from his own improper, indecent or unlawful personal conduct and producing an annoyance, inconvenience, discomfort or ...
  10. Excessive or unlawful use of one's property to the extent of unreasonable annoyance or inconvenience to a neighbor or to the public. Nuisance is a tort.
  11. A legal term referring to any use of land which interferes with the use and enjoyment of neighboring lands. A nuisance may be actionable by the injured party.
  12. Any condition that is dangerous to human life or detrimental to health. Public health nuisances affect the public, as opposed to a specific individual, and include any act, or failure to act that creates or maintains conditions that render the air, drinking water, environment or food unwholesome ...
  13. person, thing, circumstance causing trouble
  14. means a condition causing danger or annoyance to a limited number of persons or to the general public.
  15. The tort of nuisance allows a claimant (formerly plaintiff) to sue for most acts that interfere with their use and enjoyment of their land. A good example of this is in the case of Jones v Powell (1629). A brewery made stinking vapors which wafted onto neighbors' property, damaging his papers. ...
  16. That which annoys and disturbs one in possession of his property, rendering its ordinary use or occupation physically uncomfortable to him; everything that endangers life or health, gives offense to senses, violates the laws of decency, or obstructs reasonable and compatible use of property.
  17. all violations of land use ordinances, statutes and regulations contained in this Code are hereby declared to be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare and as such shall constitute nuisances.
  18. Any source of filth, odor, or probable cause of sickness. Top of Page
  19. In real estate activity, a nuisance normally refers to an act that affects the enjoyment and/or use of a person's property.
  20. Anything that is offensive and works an injury or harm to a person or property. May be either a public nuisance (offends the general public) or a private nuisance (offends one property owner.)
  21. Use of property so as to interfere with another's use and enjoyment of property; e.g., bad smells and loud noises.
  22. (noun) -- annoying pest