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nucleate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Having a nucleus,
  1. Having a nucleus

  1. Form a nucleus

  2. Form around a central area
    • - a nucleated village

  1. nucleated: having a nucleus or occurring in the nucleus; "nucleated cells"
  2. Nucleation is the extremely localized budding of a distinct thermodynamic phase. Some examples of phases that may form via nucleation in liquids are gaseous bubbles, crystals or glassy regions. ...
  3. (nucleation) The first stage of a phase transition in a small region; The formation of cell nuclei
  4. (Nucleated) a number of families live in close proximity to each other, with fields surrounding the collection of houses and farm buildings (e.g., Asian longhouse)
  5. (nucleated) Cells that have nuclei that localize and contain the cell’s genes. A key feature of the Eukaryotes.
  6. (Nucleation) The process of nucleating a mollusk to produce a pearl. Also termed as grafting or implantation, nucleation requires the human insertion of either a hard bead nucleus or soft mantle tissue into either the body of a mollusk or the mantle tissue of a mollusk. ...
  7. (Nucleation) The start of the process of condensation, during which a core particle acts as a nucleus around which molecules collect.
  8. (Nucleation) 1) (homogeneous) the initiation of solid crystals from the liquid stage, or initiation of solid crystals from the liquid stage, or a new phase within a solid without outside interference - rarely occurs, 2) heterogeneous) foreign particles altering the liquid-solid interface energy ...
  9. (Nucleation) A process where something comes into being by growing outward from a disturbance at its center.
  10. (Nucleation) Process by which a gas interacts and combines with droplets
  11. (Nucleation) The process by which (ice) crystals form. When a product first starts to freeze, crystals initially form on particles in the formulation or cluster around existing crystals, and the ice matrix expands outwards from these nuclei.
  12. (Nucleation) The process of starting to form an ice crystal in supercooled water.  Ice is the best nucleating agent.  If the water gets supercooled enough small particles suspended in all lake water will act as nucleation agents.  Clay particles, for example, will nucleat ice at -2 deg F.
  13. (Nucleation) When solute molecules in a saturated solution encounter a dust particle or a solid surface (like a string or a seed crystal), they will tend to adsorb and aggregate on the surface. The solid surface provides the nucleation site for the formation of crystals.
  14. (Nucleation) acting as a nucleus for, in a process of formation (of crystals, for example).
  15. (Nucleation) growth of droplets, films, or calculi due to the presence of a small seed particle which facilitates coalescence of these materials.
  16. (Nucleation) refers to the inception of the embryonic bubble.
  17. (nucleation) A process in a physical system, or a mathematical model such as a cellular automaton or a statistical model, whereby a bubble or other structure appears spontaneously at a random or unpredictable spot.
  18. (nucleation) Critical stage in the assembly of a polymeric structure, such as a microtubule, at which a small cluster of monomers aggregates in the correct arrangement to initiate rapid polymerization. (See Panel 16–2, pp. 912–913.) More generally, the rate-limiting step in an assembly process.
  19. (nucleation) the tendency of populations to cluster in settlements of increasing size and density.
  20. To implant a nucleus in an oyster in order to stimulate the generation of a cultured pearl.