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nosedive 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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nosedives, plural;
  1. (of an aircraft) Make a nosedive

  2. Deteriorate suddenly and dramatically
    • - massive strikes caused the economy to nosedive
  1. A steep downward plunge by an aircraft

  2. A sudden dramatic deterioration
    • - the player's fortunes took a nosedive

  1. a sudden sharp drop or rapid decline; "the stock took a nosedive"
  2. plunge nose first; drop with the nose or front first, of aircraft
  3. dive: a steep nose-down descent by an aircraft
  4. A headfirst fall or jump; A rapid fall in price or value; To dive down in a steep angle; To perform a rapid fall in price or value
  5. the plunge of an aircraft with the forward part pointing downward, especially a headfirst crash; also spelled "nose-dive" or "nose dive". See AUGER-IN, PANCAKE, GROUND LOOP, ALUMINUM RAIN, BOUNCE, TOUCHDOWN, ALS, AUTO-ROTATE, CHOPPER, BIRD. ...
  6. [1^] touches tip of nose and then FT dives down. For a QuickTime movie of this sign, see ASL browser - nosedive.