- a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical; "the current middle-class norm of two children per family"
- average: a statistic describing the location of a distribution; "it set the norm for American homes"
- In Multi-Agent Systems (MAS), a branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI), a Norm is a formal specification of a deontic statement that aims at regulating the life of software agents and the interactions among them. ...
- A norm in chess is one of the requirements to receive a title such as Grandmaster from FIDE.
- This is a list of characters from the Crash Bandicoot video game. Crash Bandicoot is a series of platform video games last developed by Radical Entertainment from 2005 to 2008; the series was formerly developed by Naughty Dog from 1996 to 1999, and by Traveller's Tales, Eurocom and Vicarious ...
- Norm (based in Zurich, Switzerland), is an experimental graphic design team best known for their typography. Their most influential project is typography for Cologne Airport. It is co-founded by two Swiss designers Dimitri Bruni and Manuel Krebs. ...
- In mathematics, in the field of group theory, the norm of a group is the intersection of the normalizers of all its subgroups. This is also termed the Baer norm.
- In linear algebra, functional analysis and related areas of mathematics, a norm is a function that assigns a strictly positive length or size to all vectors in a vector space, other than the zero vector. A seminorm, on the other hand, is allowed to assign zero length to some non-zero vectors.
- That which is regarded as normal or typical; A rule that is enforced by members of a community; A sentence with non-descriptive meaning, such as a command, permission, or prohibition; this sense? ...
- A lazy, inactive man; A diminutive of the male given name Norman
- (Norms) Unspoken rules of conduct or standards of acceptable behaviour in a culture.
- (Norms) a pattern or trait taken to be typical of the behavior of a social group.
- (Norms) Typical test performance of a typical group of test takers.
- (NORMS) Scalar quantities which characterize the features of a complicated waveform. Norms used as pass/fail criteria for pulsed current injection test residual internal stresses are peak current, peak rate of rise, rectified impulse, and root action.
- (Norms (legal norms, international norms)) Legal standards, such as constitutional Provisions or legislation. “Hard norms” are binding international treaty provisions. ...
- (Norms) (p. 260) "..a pattern of behavior that is somewhere along the road of reification, taking on a certain sanctity - becoming accepted as a way that people ought to behave." Some norms are supported and justified by tradition and religious beliefs. Others are legislated into laws. ...
- (Norms) A fixed or ideal standard; normative or mean score for a particular age group.
- (Norms) A set of scores that describes the performance of a specific group of Pupils, usually a national sample at a particular grade level, on a task or test; these scores are used to interpret scores of other pupils who perform the same task or take the same test.
- (Norms) Accepted, accustomed, taken for granted ways of thinking, doing and being
- (Norms) Principles of right action, binding upon the members of a group and serving to guide, control, or regulate proper and acceptable behavior.
- (Norms) Rules of behaviour which reflect or embody a culture’s values, either prescribing a given type of behaviour, or forbidding it. Norms are always backed by sanctions of one kind or another, varying from informal disapproval to physical punishment or execution.
- (Norms) Specific guides to behaviour in specific situations, for example, being quiet in a library or noisy at a football match.
- (Norms) Standardized scores that have been developed using a group from a population. Norms are generally considered as typical scores for a group. Norms exist for many tests and questionnaires that are used in mental health research.
- (Norms) Standards of behavior shared by a group or organization.
- (Norms) Statistics that provide a frame of reference by which meaning may be given to test scores. Norms are based upon the actual performance of pupils of various grades or ages in the standardization group for the test. ...