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nicker 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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nickered, past participle; nickers, 3rd person singular present; nickering, present participle; nickered, past tense;
  1. (of a horse) Give a soft, low whinny

  1. A pound sterling

  1. neigh: make a characteristic sound, of a horse
  2. The Neck/Nixie (English) or the Nix/Nixe/Nyx (German) are shapeshifting water spirits who usually appear in human form. The spirit has appeared in the myths and legends of all Germanic peoples in Europe.The article Näcken, , in Nordisk familjebok (1914)
  3. (Nickers) A uncommon British term being a pun on “knickers” (female underwear). As the term is spoken not written the silent “k” in knickers is not obvious. This relates to an officer “nicking” a suspect i.e. arresting them, and taking them to “the nick” i.e. ...
  4. (nickers) noun, a pant-like garment that extends from the waist to the top of the knee.
  5. Noun. One pound sterling. Also spelt 'knicker'. {Informal}
  6. a pound (£1). Not pluralised for a number of pounds, eg., 'It cost me twenty nicker..' From the early 1900s, London slang, precise origin unknown. ...
  7. nickname for a type of monster, usually encompasses those the size of a man or larger.