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nick 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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nicks, plural;
  1. Make a nick or nicks in
    • - he had nicked himself while shaving
  2. Cheat someone of (something, typically a sum of money)
    • - he nicked me for fifteen hundred dollars
  3. Steal
    • - he'd had his car nicked by joyriders
  4. Arrest or apprehend (someone)
    • - I got nicked for burglary
  1. A small cut or notch

  2. Prison

  3. A police station

  4. The junction between the floor and sidewalls in a court for playing tennis or squash

  1. cut slightly, with a razor; "The barber's knife nicked his cheek"
  2. dent: an impression in a surface (as made by a blow)
  3. (British slang) a prison; "he's in the nick"
  4. cut a nick into
  5. divide or reset the tail muscles of; "nick horses"
  6. notch: a small cut
  7. Nickelodeon is a Canadian English language category 2 digital cable specialty channel based on the U.S. cable network Nickelodeon. It is wholly-owned by Corus Entertainment, with its name licensed from MTV Networks International, a division of Viacom.
  8. A nick is a discontinuity in a double stranded DNA molecule where there is no phosphodiester bond between adjacent nucleotides of one strand typically through damage or enzyme action. Nicks allow for release of torsion in the strand.
  9. Guitar Hero World Tour (initially referred to as Guitar Hero IV or Guitar Hero IV: World Tour) is a music video game developed by Neversoft and published by RedOctane and Activision. It is the fourth main entry in the Guitar Hero series. ...
  10. Nickelodeon India is a television channel devoted to children in India based in Mumbai. It is India's fastest growing kids network and is available to over 26 million households in the country as part of Viacom 18. ...
  11. Nickelodeon (a.k.a. Nick) is a South Korean cable TV channel aimed at children, teens and adults. It is the South Korean version of American Nickelodeon.
  12. Nickelodeon Pakistan (usually called Ary Nick), is a satellite pay Channel for the Pakistani children, teens and adults . It is the Pakistani arm of Nickelodeon. Ever since its launch as a separate feed for Pakistan, its has garnered moderate success.
  13. A diminutive of the male given name Nicholas; diminutive form of Nickelodeon
  14. A small cut in a surface; A particular point or place considered as marked by a nick; the exact point or critical moment; A police station or prison; a small deflection of the ball off the edge of the bat, often going to the wicket-keeper for a catch; a shortened form of "nickname"; Condition ...
  15. (nick s) v. 1. To randomly, or without explicit warning, cease a conversation of any kind, whether verbally or through text
  16. (Nicks) Affinities of certain bloodlines to work best when mated to other specific bloodlines. Nicks were first noted at stud farms where daughters of one stallion standing there were successfully bred to another of the farm’s stallions. ...
  17. (Nicks) Cuts in the surface or edge of belting.
  18. (Nicks) The cards have a small mark in them made by the finger nail.
  19. To attack, cut, or strike someone, often used in threats. It's also used to indicate inflicting other injury upon a sod, such as stealing from him, as in "I nicked him good, and got his chiv."
  20. A notch near the girdle or a facet edge.
  21. A small mark on a coin usually caused by contact with a another coin.
  22. A breeding that produces desirable puppies.
  23. A faint edge off the bat
  24. (French : cassure monocaténaire) Breakage affecting only one of two strands of a nucleotide double helix.
  25. Short for nickname, used in multiplayer games, it's the name you pick yourself by which you are known (other than using your real name).