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neuter 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Of or denoting a gender of nouns in some languages, typically contrasting with masculine and feminine or common,
  1. Of or denoting a gender of nouns in some languages, typically contrasting with masculine and feminine or common
    • - it is a neuter word in Greek
  2. (of an animal) Lacking developed sexual organs, or having had them removed

  3. (of a plant or flower) Having neither functional pistils nor functional stamens

  4. (of a person) Apparently having no sexual characteristics; asexual

  1. Castrate or spay (a domestic animal)
    • - a neutered tomcat
  2. Render ineffective; deprive of vigor or force
    • - disarmament negotiations that will neuter their military power
  1. A neuter word

  2. The neuter gender

  3. A nonfertile caste of social insect, esp. a worker bee or ant

  4. A castrated or spayed domestic animal

  5. A person who appears to lack sexual characteristics

  1. a gender that refers chiefly (but not exclusively) to inanimate objects (neither masculine nor feminine)
  2. alter: remove the ovaries of; "Is your cat spayed?"
  3. of grammatical gender; "`it' is the third-person singular neuter pronoun"
  4. having no or imperfectly developed or nonfunctional sex organs
  5. (neutered) altered: having testicles or ovaries removed
  6. (neutering) the sterilization of an animal; "they took him to the vet for neutering"
  7. Neutering, from the Latin neuter (of neither sex), is the removal of an animal's reproductive organ, either all of it or a considerably large part. It is the most drastic surgical procedure with sterilizing purposes. ...
  8. The neuter gender; A noun of the neuter gender; any one of those words which have the terminations usually found in neuter words; An organism, either vegetable or animal, which at its maturity has no generative organs, or but imperfectly developed ones, as a plant without stamens or pistils, ...
  9. (Neutering) You can get your pets neutered, spayed or castrated, which can help reduce the huge number of homeless pets.
  10. (NEUTERS) Imperfectly developed females of certain social insects (such as Ants and Bees), which perform all the labours of the community. Hence they are also called workers.
  11. surgically removing the testicles. Also called “castration”.
  12. A grammatical gender category. Neuter words do not follow either the masculine or feminine patterns that indicate the grammatical category into which a word fits.
  13. A surgical procedure where the testicles are removed through a small incision in the scrotum to prevent reproduction, testicular cancer and prostatic enlargement. Sterilization for a male pet.
  14. neuter: To castrate a male cat. A \"neuter\" is a male cat which has been neutered. Sometimes the term \"neuter\" is also used to refer to spaying female cats.
  15. The neuter procedure will prevent your male dog or cat from impregnating a female dog or cat. Intact male animals have a tendency to roam looking for a female in heat and are more likely to be hit by cars or get into trouble. ...
  16. to desex an animal by castration or ovariohysterectomy (spay)
  17. any surgical process that prevents a male cat from being able to impregnate a female.
  18. Operation to remove sex organs in either sex of rabbit
  19. The removal of a male rats reproductive organ.
  20. Removal of the testicles in a male Cat or Dog, permanently preventing reproduction.
  21. Without stamens or pistols.
  22. Castration of a male cat.
  23. To castrate or spay.
  24. ou0de/teroj, -a>, -on (LSJ cites D.H.Amm.2.10, A.D. Pron.6.19)