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neaten 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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neatening, present participle; neatened, past tense; neatens, 3rd person singular present; neatened, past participle;
  1. Make neat; arrange in an orderly, tidy way
    • - she made an attempt to neaten her hair

  1. tidy: put (things or places) in order; "Tidy up your room!"
  2. groom: care for one's external appearance; "He is always well-groomed"
  3. (Neater) Orderliness is associated with other qualities such as cleanliness and diligence - and the desire for order and symmetry, and is generally considered to be a desirable quality.
  4. To make neat; arrange in an orderly, tidy way; to tidy
  5. (neater) comparative form of neat: more neat