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nationalize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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nationalized, past tense; nationalized, past participle; nationalizes, 3rd person singular present; nationalised, past participle; nationalising, present participle; nationalizing, present participle; nationalises, 3rd person singular present; nationalised, past tense;
  1. Transfer (a major branch of industry or commerce) from private to state ownership or control

  2. Make distinctively national; give a national character to
    • - in the 13th and 14th centuries church designs were further nationalized
  3. Naturalize (a foreigner)
    • - he is now a nationalized Frenchman

  1. put under state control or ownership; "Mitterand nationalized the banks"
  2. make national in character or scope; "His heroic deeds were nationalized by the press"
  3. (nationalization) the action of forming or becoming a nation
  4. (nationalization) changing something from private to state ownership or control
  5. (NATIONALIZATION) The collective or public ownership or management of economic resources. In contrast to privatization. Canada has long relied on public (or state) ownership of economic resources. ...
  6. (Nationalization) A private club adding National to the end of its name in hopes of attracting status-seeking new members
  7. (Nationalization) The policy of placing the main industries under state control, a policy pursued by the Labour Party since the Second World War, but abandoned by New Labour in the 1990s.
  8. (Nationalization) There are several ways that this process can take place. One way is when the government says that it must control an industry, such as oil, and seizes the government in order to put it under state control. ...
  9. (nationalization) government armed robbery (see GM and Chrysler)
  10. Nationalization occurs when a national government takes ownership of a certain private business or entire industry. Often this occurs as a revolution produces a communistic or more socialistic economy.
  11. To transfer ownership of a private company or a privately owned asset to the national government. Nationalization is sometimes done on entire industries, and often includes firms that were owned by foreigners. Owners may or may not be compensated; if not, this is expropriation.
  12. The noble Marxist scheme to seize all private institutions and their assets to convert them into government institutions that are not beholden to tainted “profit motives” or serving their customers in any way other than that which feeds and expands the power of the socialist nation state!