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narcotize 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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narcotized, past participle; narcotizes, 3rd person singular present; narcotizing, present participle; narcotized, past tense; narcotised, past tense; narcotises, 3rd person singular present; narcotising, present participle; narcotised, past participle;
  1. Stupefy with or as if with a drug

  2. Make (something) have a soporific or narcotic effect
    • - the essence of apple blossom narcotizes the air

  1. administer narcotics to
  2. (narcotizing) narcotic: inducing stupor or narcosis; "narcotic drugs"
  3. Narcotization describes a number of concepts, but not all relate to the use of drugs. In psychological terms, narcotization refers to a condition where due to stimuli you feel you have no chance of avoiding a particular fate, for example, if you are faced with a problem that appears too large or ...
  4. To use a narcotic in order to make someone drowsy or insensible; to anesthetize; To dull the senses; To make something into a narcotic