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mute 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Refraining from speech or temporarily speechless,
  1. Refraining from speech or temporarily speechless
    • - Irene, the talkative one, was now mute
  2. Not expressed in speech
    • - she gazed at him in mute appeal
  3. Characterized by an absence of sound; quiet
    • - the great church was mute and dark
  4. (of a person) Without the power of speech

  5. (of a letter) Not pronounced
    • - mute e is generally dropped before suffixes beginning with a vowel
  1. Deaden, muffle, or soften the sound of
    • - her footsteps were muted by the thick carpet
  2. Muffle the sound of (a musical instrument), esp. by the use of a mute

  3. Reduce the strength or intensity of
    • - his professional contentment was muted by personal sadness
  4. Turn off (the sound on a television, telephone, or other appliance) by activating the mute
    • - he turns the set on, mutes the sound, but flicks through the channels
  1. A person without the power of speech

  2. (in some Asian countries) A servant who was deprived of the power of speech

  3. An actor in a dumbshow

  4. A professional attendant or mourner at a funeral

  5. A device that softens the sound (and typically alters the tone) of a musical instrument, in particular

  6. A clamp placed over the bridge of a stringed instrument to deaden the resonance without affecting the vibration of the strings

  7. A pad or cone placed in the opening of a brass or other wind instrument

  8. A device on a television, telephone, or other appliance that temporarily turns off the sound
    • - she put the remote on mute

  1. a deaf person who is unable to speak
  2. expressed without speech; "a mute appeal"; "a silent curse"; "best grief is tongueless"- Emily Dickinson; "the words stopped at her lips unsounded"; "unspoken grief"; "choking exasperation and wordless shame"- Thomas Wolfe
  3. muffle: deaden (a sound or noise), especially by wrapping
  4. a device used to soften the tone of a musical instrument
  5. dumb: unable to speak because of hereditary deafness
  6. (muted) hushed: in a softened tone; "hushed voices"; "muted trumpets"; "a subdued whisper"; "a quiet reprimand"
  7. The MUTE Network (or MUTE-net) is an unmaintained peer-to-peer file sharing network developed with anonymity in mind. The MUTE client is open source software released under the Public domain and includes support for the Linux, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows computer operating systems.
  8. Mute is a compilation album released in 2000 on Hush Records. The disc of instrumental music is a sampler of the label's roster.
  9. A funeral is a ceremony for celebrating, sanctifying, or remembering the life of a deceased person. Funerary customs comprise the complex of beliefs and practices used by a culture to remember the dead, from the funeral itself, to various monuments, prayers, and rituals undertaken in their honor ...
  10. Duncan Zowie Hayward Jones (born 30 May 1971), also known as Zowie Bowie or Joey Bowie, is an English film director, best known for directing the 2009 film Moon. He is the son of rock star David Bowie.
  11. A mute is a device fitted to a musical instrument to alter the sound produced: by affecting the timbre, reducing the volume, or most commonly both.
  12. In an alphabetic writing system, a silent letter is a letter that, in a particular word, does not correspond to any sound in the word's pronunciation. ...
  13. A person who does not have the power of speech; An acting part where no speaking (and in opera, no singing) is required; An object for dulling the sound of an instrument, especially a brass instrument, or damper for pianoforte; a sordine; One refusing to speak; An undertaker's assistant; The ...
  14. (muter) Something that mutes sound
  15. (Muted) A direction for the musician to play with a mute. For string players, mutes are small clamps of wood, metal, rubber, leather or plastic, which fit onto the bridge and result in a softer, muted sound with a veiled quality. ...
  16. (Muted) When a color has been made less pure or vivid by graying the color. This is done by adding gray, brown or a complementary color to the original color. Also known as neutralizing and/or graying the color.
  17. (Mutes) Device inserted into brasswind bells to reduce their loudness to tolerable levels.
  18. (Mutes) n. "Hawk whitewash". Hawks can project fecal matter a considerable distance. The resulting streaks and splatters on surrounding objects are referred to as mutes.
  19. (Muting) Turning off the presence-sensing safeguarding device during a part of robot operation.
  20. (Muting (Palm muting)) A right-hand technique where you lay the fleshy part of your right hand palm over the bridge saddles, so as to "muffle" the vibration of the strings and give a very interesting, percussive sound when playing cleanly or with distortion.
  21. (Muting) A control reliable method of allowing the complete bypass or disabling of the light curtainÕs sensing field or stop signal to the protected machine during the nonhazardous (usually upstroke) portion of the machine cycle. Generally accomplished by either of two methods. ...
  22. (Muting) A dramatic reduction in the volume level. On a soundboard this function is called the ‘mute’ button.
  23. (Muting) Change in the amplitude of all or part of a trace before additional processing. Noisy or clearly erroneous traces are given zero amplitude. Data before the first break and the known refraction arrivals are also often reduced to zero amplitude.
  24. (Muting) Resting the external part of your right hand on the strings while hitting them simultaneously. Used frequently in guitar progressions with a distortion effect.
  25. (Muting) To greatly decrease the volume level. Many receivers and pre-amplifiers have a muting control which allows the volume level to be cut way down without changing the master volume control. Great for when the phone rings.