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mutate 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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mutated, past participle; mutates, 3rd person singular present; mutating, present participle; mutated, past tense;
  1. Change or cause to change in form or nature
    • - technology continues to mutate at an alarming rate
    • - the quick-dry solution really worked, even if it did mutate the skin on her fingers to reptilian scales
  2. (with reference to a cell, DNA molecule, etc.) Undergo or cause to undergo change in a gene or genes
    • - the virus is able to mutate into new forms that are immune to the vaccine
    • - certain nucleotides were mutated

  1. undergo mutation; "cells mutate"
  2. Mutations are changes in a genomic sequence: the DNA sequence of a cell's genome or the DNA or RNA sequence of a virus. Mutations are caused by radiation, viruses, transposons and mutagenic chemicals, as well as errors that occur during meiosis or DNA replication. ...
  3. The term Mutate refers to most non-mutant superbeings in the Marvel Comics universe. See below for other uses.
  4. Gargoyles is an American animated television series created by Greg Weisman. It was produced by Greg Weisman and Frank Paur and aired from October 24, 1994 to February 15, 1997. At the time Gargoyles was hailed as an ambitious Disney animated series, targeting an older demographic. ...
  5. (mutated) Describes genetic material that has changed in amount or arrangement. A change in the sequence of a gene can be harmful or beneficial to an organism, and is a source of genetic variation. ...
  6. (Mutates) Units of time as expressed on Three Mile Island.
  7. to shift from one hexachord to another, relying on a pivot pitch; for example, D sol (in the G hexachord) could become D re (in the C hexachord).
  8. To change in form, quality, or other characteristic
  9. To change the genetic material of a cell. The changes (mutations) can be harmful, beneficial, or have no effect.
  10. When cells divide or viruses multiply, their genetic material must be copied. Sometimes mistakes are made when this happens and the resulting new cell or virus is different in some way. This is important for viruses because mutation can fool the immune system into not recognizing the virus
  11. To mutate is to undergo a change. Viruses mutate frequently as they reproduce, SInce their genetic makeup is slightly different all the time, creating flu vaccines is a continual challenge.
  12. a type of block problem in which at least one mate in the set play is changed following the key.
  13. When an organism makes an inexact copy of itself. This occurs naturally and provides the variability which allows evolution to occur.
  14. a being who acquires a physical characteristic by benevolent mutation from exposure to a mutagenic source
  15. A form of directmate in which White has set replies provided for all of Black’s moves in the initial position, but a waiting key changes the white response to at least one of these black moves.
  16. Ability of "Mutation" spell to generate a creature with random stats and random ability.